General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications (10th Edition)

Published by Pearson Prentice Hal
ISBN 10: 0132064529
ISBN 13: 978-0-13206-452-1

Chapter 17 - Additional Aspects of Acid-Base Equilibria - 17-1 Concept Assessment - Page 749: 17-1


(a) No; Ammonium chloride uses the common-ion effect to lower the PH value. (b ) yes, but only slightly because Diethylamine is a somewhat stronger base but only a rather small amount is being added. (c) No; being a strong acid, HCl will neutralize some of the ammonia; that produces an aqueous solution of ammonia and ammonium chloride. (d) No; since the added aqueous ammonia is more dilute than the 0.10 M NH3(aq.), the overall solution will be 0.075 M NH3(aq.). (e)yes; Ca(OH)2(s) is a strong base; accordingly, it raises the PH value.

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(a) No; Ammonium chloride uses the common-ion effect to lower the PH value. (b ) yes, but only slightly because Diethylamine is a somewhat stronger base but only a rather small amount is being added. (c) No; being a strong acid, HCl will neutralize some of the ammonia; that produces an aqueous solution of ammonia and ammonium chloride. (d) No; since the added aqueous ammonia is more dilute than the 0.10 M NH3(aq.), the overall solution will be 0.075 M NH3(aq.). (e)yes; Ca(OH)2(s) is a strong base; accordingly, it raises the PH value.
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