Chemistry 10th Edition

Published by Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
ISBN 10: 1133610668
ISBN 13: 978-1-13361-066-3

Chapter 14 - Solutions - Exercises - Concentrations and Solutions - Page 544: 30


$X_{water}=0.677$ $X_{ethanol}=0.323$

Work Step by Step

Number of moles of $C_{2}H_{5}OH=\frac{55.0\,g}{46.07\,g/mol}$ $=1.1938\, mol$ Number of moles of water= $\frac{45.0\,g}{18.0\,g/mol}$ $=2.50\, mol$ Mole fraction of water, $X_{water}=\frac{\text{moles of water}}{\text{moles of water}+\text{moles of ethanol}}$ $=\frac{2.50\,mol}{2.50\,mol+1.1938\,mol}$ $=0.677$ Mole fraction of ethanol, $X_{ethanol}=\frac{\text{moles of ethanol}}{\text{moles of water}+\text{moles of ethanol}}$ $=\frac{1.1938\,mol}{2.50\,mol+1.1938\,mol}=0.323$
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