Life: The Science of Biology 11th Edition

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1-31901-016-4
ISBN 13: 978-1-31901-016-4

Chapter 44 - Neurons, Glia, and Nervous Systems - 44.2 - Neurons Generate and Transmit electric Signals - 44.2 Recap - Learning Outcomes - Page 949: 4


Action potentials travel lengthwise down axons, from the dendrites of one end of a neuron to the postsynaptic terminal on the opposite side. The impulse is only transmitted though the repetitive influx of sodium ions as the signal moves down the axon.

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Action potentials travel lengthwise down axons, from the dendrites of one end of a neuron to the postsynaptic terminal on the opposite side. The impulse is only transmitted though the repetitive influx of sodium ions as the signal moves down the axon.
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