Trigonometry (11th Edition) Clone

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 978-0-13-421743-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-13421-743-7

Chapter 2 - Acute Angles and Right Triangles - Section 2.3 Finding Trigonometric Function Values Using a Calculator - 2.3 Exercises - Page 67: 45


$\sin$ 35$^{\circ}$$\cos$ 55$^{\circ}$ + $\cos$ 35$^{\circ}$$\sin$ 55$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 0.99999998 or $\sin$ 35$^{\circ}$$\cos$ 55$^{\circ}$ + $\cos$ 35$^{\circ}$$\sin$ 55$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 1

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$\sin$ 35$^{\circ}$$\cos$ 55$^{\circ}$ + $\cos$ 35$^{\circ}$$\sin$ 55$^{\circ}$ Evaluate each piece: $\sin$ 35$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 0.57357643 $\cos$ 55$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 0.57357643 $\cos$ 35$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 0.81915204 $\sin$ 55$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 0.81915204 Combine: $\sin$ 35$^{\circ}$$\cos$ 55$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 0.32898992 $\cos$ 35$^{\circ}$$\sin$ 55$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 0.67101006 0.32898992 + 0.67101006 $\approx$ 0.99999998 Therefore: $\sin$ 35$^{\circ}$$\cos$ 55$^{\circ}$ + $\cos$ 35$^{\circ}$$\sin$ 55$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 0.99999998 or $\sin$ 35$^{\circ}$$\cos$ 55$^{\circ}$ + $\cos$ 35$^{\circ}$$\sin$ 55$^{\circ}$ $\approx$ 1
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