Trigonometry (11th Edition) Clone

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 978-0-13-421743-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-13421-743-7

Appendix A - Equations and Inequalities - Page 420: 42



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$36x^{2}+60x+25=0$ $36x^{2}+30x+30x+25=0$ $6x(6x+5)+5(6x+5)=0$ $(6x+5)(6x+5)=0$ $(6x+5)=0$ or $(6x+5)=0$ $x=-\frac{5}{6}$ or $x=-\frac{5}{6}$ Check: Substituting $x=-\frac{5}{6}$ in the equation, $36(-\frac{5}{6})^{2}+60(-\frac{5}{6})+25=0$ $\frac{36\times25}{36}-\frac{60\times5}{6}+25=0$ $25-50+25=0$ $0=0$ The value checks and the solution set is {$-\frac{5}{6}$}
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