Thinking Mathematically (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321867327
ISBN 13: 978-0-32186-732-2

Chapter 8 - Personal Finance - Chapter Summary, Review, and Test - Review Exercises - Page 571: 62


The difference between property damage liability and collision is mentioned below- Property damage liability is an auto insurance which covers the damages to other cars and property from negligent operation from the vehicle of the insurer. Collision coverage is an auto insurance which covers the damages or loss of the car if you are in the accident.

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Future is unpredictable, there’s always a risk factor involved with the person and their property. Auto-insurance helps to protect against risks of loss and damage of the car. Insurance companies are the risk sharing company that serves for a fee amount called premium. Collision insurance covers damages to the vehicle when it is involved in an accident. The insured person gets insurance money no matter who is at fault but it is limited to the actual cash value of the vehicle. All type of damages and injuries caused by a vehicle on account of proven responsibility of the insured person is covered under liability coverage. The insurance company will pay the insurance amount for any injuries only when it is clearly mentioned in the insurance paper.
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