Thinking Mathematically (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321867327
ISBN 13: 978-0-32186-732-2

Chapter 8 - Personal Finance - Chapter Summary, Review, and Test - Review Exercises - Page 571: 60


Two advantages of leasing a car are as mentioned below- 1) It requires a small amount of a down payment or no down payment. 2) You can return the car to the owner without any worry to sell off the car once the lease ends.

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Leasing is a practice of paying the money to the owner of the product in order to use the product for the specified time. In the nutshell, it is the long-term rental agreement. The major advantage of leasing a car if you don’t have to pay the heavy down payment amount. Most of the time there isn’t any down payment required but in some cases, there is a small amount of the down payment asked by the owner. The best advantage of leasing a car is you can return the car once the lease ends without any worry to selling it. You can get another car on the lease which is new in the model and by this way you are always having anew car.
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