Thinking Mathematically (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321867327
ISBN 13: 978-0-32186-732-2

Chapter 7 - Algebra: Graphs, Functions, and Linear Systems - 7.3 Systems of Linear Equations in Two Variables - Exercise Set 7.3 - Page 446: 65


A system of linear equations, on fulfilling different conditions can have exactly one solution, many solutions, or infinitely many solutions.

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Any equation of the form \[Ax+By=C\], where \[A,B,C\] are the constants and \[x,y\]are the variables is said to be a linear equation.This linear equation is a straight line on a graph when plotted for different values. So, the system of such equations is called as a system of linear equations. For example, \[\begin{align} & 3x+2y=8 \\ & 4x-8y=1 \\ \end{align}\] The above equations show a system of linear equations which shows a straight line when plotted. A system of linear equations, on fulfilling different conditions can have exactly one solution, many solutions, or infinitely many solutions.
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