The statement is true for the product of the two prime numbers or an odd number is an odd number but if the odd numbers or prime number are multiplied with or even numbers then the product is an even number. So, the above statement is not valid for the product of prime number or odd number with two or even number.
Work Step by Step
The prime number is the number that is divisible by itself or\[1\]. But, the odd numbers may have divided by other numbers also.
Now, consider the prime number or odd numbers.
The prime or odd numbers are \[1,2,3,5,7,11,13.........\]
the product of two, three, four prime numbers is an odd number.
& 1\times 3=3 \\
& 1\times 3\times 5=15 \\
& 1\times 3\times 5\times 7=105 \\
& 1\times 3\times 5\times 7\times 11=1155
But, when the prime is multiplied with \[2\],then the product is an even number.
& 1\times 2=2 \\
& 1\times 2\times 3=6 \\
& 1\times 2\times 3\times 5=30
So, from the above calculation, the product of the two-prime or more than two even numbers are an odd number. And if the prime number is multiplied with \[2\], then the product is an even number.
Hence, the statement is true for the product of the two prime numbers or an odd number is an odd number,but if the odd numbers or prime number are multiplied with \[2\]or even numbers, then the product is an even number. So, the above statement is not valid for the product of prime number or odd number with two or even number.