Thomas' Calculus 13th Edition

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-32187-896-5
ISBN 13: 978-0-32187-896-0

Chapter 4: Applications of Derivatives - Additional and Advanced Exercises - Page 246: 16



Work Step by Step

Step 1. Using the figure given in the exercise, we have $tan\theta=\frac{a}{h}$ and $tan(\theta+\beta)=\frac{a+b}{h}$. Step 2. Since $tan(\theta+\beta)=\frac{tan\theta+tan\beta}{1-tan(\theta) tan(\beta)}=\frac{a/h+tan\beta}{1-a\ tan(\beta)/h}=\frac{a+b}{h}$. We have $tan\beta=\frac{bh}{h^2+a^2+ab}$. Step 3. Assuming $0\lt \beta \lt \pi/2$, to maximize $\beta$ would be the same as to maximize $tan\beta$. Step 4. Letting $f(h)=\frac{bh}{h^2+a^2+ab}$, we can set $f’=0$ and get $b(h^2+a^2+ab)-2bh^2=0$, which gives $h=\sqrt{a^2+ab}$. Step 5. We can confirm that the $h$ value gives a maximum of $f$ by testing sign changes of $f’$ as $..(+)..(f’(h))..(-)..$
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