Calculus (3rd Edition)

Published by W. H. Freeman
ISBN 10: 1464125260
ISBN 13: 978-1-46412-526-3

Chapter 3 - Differentiation - 3.9 Related Rates - Exercises - Page 160: 30


(a) In third and fourth quadrants, $\dfrac{dx}{dt}>0$. (b) $18x\dfrac{dx}{dt}+32y\dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$ (c) The x-coordinate is changing at a rate of $\dfrac{-32}{3}$m/s. (d) Both at the top and the bottom of the ellipse $\dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$.

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(a) If $\dfrac{dx}{dt}>0$, then $x$ is increasing with respect to time $t$ in those intervals. Since, $x$ is increasing in the third and fourth quadrants. $\dfrac{dx}{dt}>0$ in the third and fourth quadrants. (b) Differentiate $9x^2+16y^2=25$ with respect $t$ using product rule and chain rule. We get, $18x\dfrac{dx}{dt}+32y\dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$ Which is the required relation. (c) Since particle passing through the point $(1,1)$. $x=1$ and $y=1$ Substitute $\dfrac{dy}{dt}=6$m/s, $x=1$ and $y=1$ in $18x\dfrac{dx}{dt}+32y\dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$. $18\dfrac{dx}{dt}+32\cdot6=0$ $\implies \dfrac{dx}{dt}=\dfrac{-32}{3}$ So, the x-coordinate is changing at a rate of $\dfrac{-32}{3}$m/s. (d) At top, $y=\dfrac{5}{4}$ and $x=0$. Substitute the values in $18x\dfrac{dx}{dt}+32y\dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$. We get, $32\cdot\dfrac{5}{4}\dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$ $\implies \dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$ At bottom, $y=\dfrac{-5}{4}$ and $x=0$. Substitute the values in $18x\dfrac{dx}{dt}+32y\dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$. We get, $32\cdot\dfrac{-5}{4}\dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$ $\implies \dfrac{dy}{dt}=0$
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