Intermediate Algebra for College Students (7th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0-13417-894-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-13417-894-3

Chapter 3 - Section 3.2 - Problem Solving and Business Applications Using Systems of Equations - Exercise Set - Page 207: 45


(a.) The profit function is $ P(x)=20x-10,000 $ (b.) Profit $ =\$ 190,000 $.

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Cost function $ C(x)=10,000+30x $ and Revenue function $ R(x)=50x $ (a.) Profit function $=$ Revenue function $- $ cost function. $ P(x) = R(x)-C(x)$ Substitute values. $ P(x)=50x-(10,000+30x) $ $ P(x)=50x-10,000-30x $ $ P(x)=20x-10,000 $ (b.) Substitute $ x=10,000 $ into profit funciton. $ P(10,000)=20(10,000)-10,000 $ $ P(10,000)=200,000-10,000 $ $ P(10,000)=190,000 $.
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