Intermediate Algebra (6th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321785045
ISBN 13: 978-0-32178-504-6

Chapter 9 - Section 9.4 - Exponential Growth and Decay functions - Exercise Set - Page 564: 14


The city population after 20 years is around $701,159$.

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This involves exponential growth since it has a growth rate. RECALL: Exponential growth is represented by the formula $y=C(1+r)^x$ where C = initial/original amount r = growth rate x = number of time intervals The given situation has: C = 320,000 r = $4\%$ per year x = 20 years Substitute these values into the given formula above to have: $y=320,000(1+4\%)^{20} \\y=320,000(1+0.04)^{20} \\y=320,000(1.04^{20}) \\y \approx 701,159$
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