College Algebra 7th Edition

Published by Brooks Cole
ISBN 10: 1305115546
ISBN 13: 978-1-30511-554-5

Chapter 3, Polynomial and Rational Functions - Section 3.6 - Rational Functions - 3.6 Exercises - Page 344: 12


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$r(x)=\frac{3x^2+1}{(x-2)^2}$, a. Table 1 $\begin{array}{II} x & r(x)\\ 1.5 & 31\\ 1.9 & 1183\\ 1.99 & 128803\\ 1.999 & 12988003 \end{array}$ Table 2 $\begin{array}{II} x & r(x)\\ 2.5 & 79\\ 2.1 & 1423\\ 2.01 & 131203\\ 2.001 & 13012003 \end{array}$ Table 3 $\begin{array}{II} x & r(x)\\ 10 & 4.703125\\ 50 & 3.2556423\\ 100 & 3.1238025\\ 1000 & 3.0120371 \end{array}$ Table 4 $\begin{array}{II} x & r(x)\\ -10 & 2.0902777\\ -50 & 2.7740384\\ -100 & 2.883602\\ -1000 & 2.9880369 \end{array}$ b. - As $x$ approaches $2^{-}$ from the left (Table 1), $f(x)$ approaches $+\infty$ - As $x$ approaches $2^{+}$ from the right (Table 2), $f(x)$ approaches $+\infty$ c. - As $x$ approaches $\infty$ (Table 3), $f(x)$ approaches $3^{+}$ from the right - As $x$ approaches $-\infty$ (Table 4), $f(x)$ approaches $3^{-}$ from the left The horizontal asymptote is $y=3$.
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