Algebra 1

Published by Prentice Hall
ISBN 10: 0133500403
ISBN 13: 978-0-13350-040-0

Chapter 5 - Linear Functions - 5-3 Slope-Intercept Form - Practice and Problem-Solving Exercises - Page 311: 63


We used the y-intercept and the slope to graph this equation.

Work Step by Step

Our equation given to us is: 2y+4x=0 First solve for y. In order to that subtract 4x from both sides and then divide by to both sides. You get: y=-2x Now since our y-intercept is an implied 0, we start at the origin (0,0). Then since our slope is -2/1, go down 2 units and right 1 unit and plot the next point there. Continue doing this until you have a sufficient amount of points that can create a line.
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