You can specify the width of the pen used to draw a shape on a Tkinter canvas by using the width option when calling the method for drawing the shape. The larger the value of width, the thicker the line will be.
Work Step by Step
Here is an example of how you can draw a line with a large pen size on a Tkinter canvas:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
canvas = tk.Canvas(root, bg="white", height=200, width=200)
x1, y1 = 10, 10
x2, y2 = 80, 80
canvas.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, width=10, fill="red")
In this code, we first create the main window of the Tkinter application using the Tk() method and assign it to the variable root. Next, we create a canvas using the Canvas constructor, specifying the parent window as root and setting the background color to "white", the height to 200, and the width to 200. Then, we use the pack() method to display the canvas on the screen.
Next, we specify the coordinates for the start and end points of the line as (10, 10) and (80, 80) respectively.
Finally, we use the create_line method of the canvas to draw a line between the specified points with a width of 10 and fill color of "red". The line will be drawn with the specified pen width and color.
Note that the width option is available for all shapes in Tkinter canvas and can be used to specify the pen size for other shapes as well.