Tenth of December is a short story collection written by acclaimed American author George Saunders. It contains the stories "Victory Lap," "Sticks," "Puppy," "Escape from Spiderhead," "Exhortation," "Al Roosten," "The Semplica Girl Diaries," "Home," "My Chivalric Fiasco," and the titular "Tenth of December." The stories don't have an overarching thematic connection, but are linked by Saunders' distinct writing style, humor, and the investigation they provide of humanity and of human nature.
These stories were published in various magazines such as The New Yorker and Harper's before the stories were collected into a book and published by Random House on January 8th, 2013. The story "Home" was a 2001 Bram Stoker Award finalist and the collection made the top ten books of 2013 according to the editors of the New York Times Book Review.