Skipping Christmas Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is different in this specific Christmas for Rupert’s family?

    Rupert, his wife, and daughter, Blair, have always celebrated Christmas together in previous years. Christmas is an important day for the family not only because they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ but also celebrate the unity of the family. One of the best things that happen during Christmas for this family is that each member has a unique role in making the day memorable. Since Blair was a young child, her role has been putting the Christmas lights in their house. However, this year's Christmas is different because Blair is not celebrating with her parents. Instead, they are seeing her off at the airport as she heads to Peru on a peace mission. Therefore, Christmas this time feels empty for Rupert and his wife Nora because one member is not present.

  2. 2

    Why is Rupert booking the Island Princess cruise ship for this holiday, unlike the previous years?

    Rupert has just realized that he spends a lot of money during Christmas for no good reason. For instance, on the previous Christmas, he spent over $6000 on the celebration alone. Therefore, this year he wants to spend ten days with his wife on a cruise ship vacation where he will spend less. Therefore, Rupert tells Nora they will be away on a cruise ship holiday for ten days because it is cheaper than organizing the celebration at home.

  3. 3

    What is the main paradox in Skipping Christmas by John Grisham?

    The main irony is that neighbors have come to assault Rupert because he has refused to hold a Christmas party. On Charismas day, neighbors are supposed to celebrate by sharing with the needy, but they are busy assaulting Rupert, who makes a decision to go on a cruise ship vacation with his wife. The neighbors are protesting that the Christmas celebration cannot be complete without Rupert holding a mega party. The reader finds it sarcastic that neighbors are forcing Rupert to organize a party, and they are not contributing even a shilling to him for the same purpose.

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