Severance Literary Elements

Severance Literary Elements


Science fiction

Setting and Context

Set in the United States in 2011.

Narrator and Point of View

Third-person narrative

Tone and Mood

Informative, enlightening, and optimistic

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonist is Candace Chen and the antagonist is Bob.

Major Conflict

There is a major conflict between Candace and her boyfriend, Jonathan. Jonathan wants Candace to quit her job and go with him, but she is reluctant.


The climax comes when Candace discovers that she is pregnant and the father is Jonathan, but he is nowhere to be seen.


The escalation of Shen fever disease foreshadows the separation between Candice and Jonathan.


Candice says Shen Fever is an ordinary disease and she stays in New York while her colleagues run for safety




The description of Shen Fever’s symptoms depicts the sense of sight to readers. When Ashley gets infected, she starts to perform repetitive actions, and she is killed instantly by Bob to prevent the disease's transition to other members. The imagery is significant because it shows that Shen Favor is a deadly disease.


The main paradox is that Candice decides never to reveal to Jonathan that he is the biological father of her child, and yet she dearly loves him and wants to be with him.



Metonymy and Synecdoche

Submarine is used as a metonymy for an enclosed working space where one cannot see the outside world.


Shen Fever is personified as brutal and unforgiving.

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