Of Plymouth Plantation Summary

Of Plymouth Plantation Summary

Of Plymouth Plantation is a book of accounts and reactions of the original Pilgrims to America in the 1600's. A collection of true stories by William Bradford and Edward Winslow, the book was meant to keep a record for generations to come. Although the accounts in the book are interesting, they mostly describe the life of an average, God-fearing person and their working and religious activities.

The material was merged into a single letter written by George Morton to London in 1622. The original manuscript of Of Plymouth Plantation was taken by the British during the American Revolutionary War and was not given back until a century later.

Historians claim that Of Plymouth Plantation is the most accurate insight we have today of the life of the Pilgrims. Practically the sole job of William Bradford was to write this account, so he made it as accurate as possible. The end of the book lists all of the colonists that came of the Mayflower, age at death if they were deceased, and their occupation. Most of them were farmers.

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