Lessons in Chemistry Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Lessons in Chemistry Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Thesis advisors

The thesis advisors symbolize sexual harassment against women in learning institutions and workplaces. The thesis advisers demand to have sex with Elizabeth and Miss Frask. When these women refuse to give in, their supervisors rape them by force. Garmus uses this symbolism to enlighten readers about women's challenges in learning institutions and places of work.


Mad is Madeline’s legal name, symbolizing Elizabeth’s fury at Calvin’s death. Elizabeth has not accepted her loss, and whenever she sees Mad, she remembers Calvin’s abrupt demise. Calvin died in an accident and never knew that Elizabeth was carrying his baby.

Calvin’s dresses

Calvin’s dresses that hang on Elizabeth’s wardrobe without being won represent his nonexistence from Elizabeth’s life. Whenever Elizabeth looks at Calvin’s unworn dress shirts, she starts accepting that he will never return. Elizabeth looks at the shirts and decides which one to dress Calvin in during his burial ceremony.

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