Italian Journey Literary Elements

Italian Journey Literary Elements



Setting and Context

The report is sent from 1786 to 1788 in the context of Goethe's trip to Italy.

Narrator and Point of View

First-person narrative

Tone and Mood

The tone is chatty and the mood is reflective

Protagonist and Antagonist

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe is the protagonist of the story.

Major Conflict

The main conflict is that Goethe leaves Germany for Italy on a long vacation without letting anybody know, including his mother. While travelling, Goethe impersonates his identity as Philipp Möller to make sure nobody notices him.


Maximum exploration of the Italian cities by Goethe marks the climax of the book. After visiting the important cities, Goethe returns to Rome, where he spends ten months before returning to Germany.


Goethe’s decision to take a secretive vacation was foreshadowed by boredom that engulfed him while working as a minister.


The unkemptness of the Northeastern City of Italy is understated. Despite the city being disorganized, it is dirty.


The story alludes to Goethe’s exploration in Italy.


The description of the Italian cities in the book portrays sight imagery which aids readers to be part of the explorations because they can see the architecture of the buildings, the sea and the people.


Goethe's decision to leave for a vacation without telling anybody was satirical. Goethe did not bother about his loved ones who he left behind because at some point; they got worried about his absence.



Metonymy and Synecdoche



Italy is incarnated as beautiful and charming.

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