Impossible Creatures Metaphors and Similes

Impossible Creatures Metaphors and Similes

Living Memory (metaphor)

In the book, the Immortal is described as "the living memory, and the living knowledge." This metaphor transforms memory and knowledge into something animate. It indicates that they are not static concepts but constantly evolving entities that live within the Immortal. This highlights the vastness and the eternal nature of the Immortal’s experience, which makes their knowledge a living presence in the world. Memory is not just a recollection of the past but a force that actively shapes reality. Thus, it enables the Immortal to foresee disasters and avert wrongdoings before they happen.

The World in a Smile (metaphor)

When Mal manages a smile after a significant ordeal, it is described as "a smile with the world inside it." This metaphor conveys the depth of her experience and emotions. It suggests that her smile encapsulates all the struggles, hopes, and suffering she has endured. The world inside the smile implies a complex mixture of feelings—victory, pain, and resilience—all within a universal human expression. It gives the smile a profound weight as if her entire journey and her reality are contained within this one gesture.

A Locust of Jealousy (metaphor)

Jealousy is described as "a locust" that "eats a great deal that cannot be spared." This metaphor illustrates how destructive jealousy can be. A locust, a creature known for consuming crops and causing devastation, is used to symbolize jealousy as something that voraciously consumes the resources of the soul. It emphasizes how jealousy drains individuals of their vitality by leaving them barren like a ravaged field. The phrase also indicates that jealousy takes from a person the aspects of themselves they cannot afford to lose.

The Glamourie in the Water (metaphor)

In a conversation between Christopher and Galatia, the metaphor "we sea creatures breathe in the glamourie with their water" describes how magical creatures in the ocean depend on the world's magical essence for survival. Magic, referred to as "glamourie," is an abstract force but is also likened to something as essential as oxygen. It accentuates the critical relationship between the magical environment and its inhabitants. This shows that without glamourie the creatures would suffocate by drawing a direct parallel between the depletion of magic and the demise of life.

Tears like Steam (simile)

In the text, Jacques is described as "surrounded by a cloud of steam, where his tears met his hot body: like a tiny kettle in the wilderness." This simile emphasizes the intense emotions that Jacques is feeling. It also shows how his internal pain is so strong that it physically manifests as steam. The comparison to a "tiny kettle" adds a touch of humor while illustrating Jacques' sorrow. It adds to the idea of isolation by signifying that Jacques is experiencing his grief in solitude. The image of a kettle boiling over with steam paints Jacques as a creature that is at the breaking point emotionally.

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