Impossible Creatures Literary Elements

Impossible Creatures Literary Elements



Setting and Context

The novel is set in two worlds: contemporary Earth (with Christopher's life in London and Scotland) and the Archipelago.

Narrator and Point of View

The story is told in third-person omniscient point of view.

Tone and Mood

The tone is adventurous and imaginative. The mood fluctuates between excitement, danger, and wonder.

Protagonist and Antagonist

The protagonists are Christopher and Mal. The antagonist is the evil force threatening the magical and human worlds.

Major Conflict

The major conflict revolves around the sudden perishing of mythical creatures in the Archipelago. This looming danger of a rising evil threatens the balance of both the magical and human worlds.


The climax occurs when Christopher and Mal confront the danger threatening the Archipelago in the heart of the maze.


Mal’s insistence on remembering Gelifen's death and her determined vow to make it count hint at her role in the final confrontation with Sforza.


Sforza’s dismissive attitude toward Christopher’s efforts is an example of understatement. He minimizes Christopher’s bravery claiming that no one will care what he does before he dies.


The book contains many allusions to mythologies and folklore. Creatures like griffins, dragons, and centaurs reference well-known legends from different cultures.


Christopher’s battle with Sforza is depicted with phrases like "a great branch of an arm…sent him flying" which evoke a clear image of the immense power Christopher faces. The tree itself, with a man’s face half-grown into it, creates a disturbing visual that emphasizes the unnatural corruption of nature.


There is a paradox in Christopher's role during the climax. He is not the Immortal yet he takes on the responsibilities of someone with eternal knowledge and strength.


Throughout the book, there is parallelism between Mal and Christopher’s journeys. Both characters have been on a path of self-discovery.

Metonymy and Synecdoche



The magical creatures and even natural elements like the tree are given human-like traits.

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