Henry VIII Quotes


The daughter of a king, my drops of tears I'll turn to sparks of fire.

Queen Catharine

The queen told these words to Cardinal Wolsey at the court. They show the climax of her aversion to him. After seeing all his unjust deeds, she can’t help calling him a malicious foe. The queen regards the Cardinal as the one who has intentionally ruined her life and she is not afraid to tell him everything directly. What is more, Catharine lets him know that his aim to destroy her family life was the last straw and now she is going to turn her weakness into strength.

I know myself now; and I feel within me

A peace above all earthly dignities,

A still and quiet conscience.

The king has cured me.

Cardinal Wolsey

After the truth is revealed to the king, the Cardinal feels confused and bewildered. He understood that all his wealth and power would be gone soon. Strangely enough, the Cardinal doesn’t try to make any excuses, as his fall is doubtless. On the contrary, the fact that the king is aware of his deeds makes him feel free and cured from his «disease». Now Wolsey is ready to put up with his fate and to depart. Unfortunately, it took a long time for him to understand that the punishment for all his sins is inevitable.

That, like a jewel, has hung twenty years

About his neck, yet never lost her lustre


The lords are astonished by the king’s decision to divorce the queen. They consider her to be a fair and a loyal woman, the one, who has always protected not only her husband, but also her people. It is obvious, that Henry made a wrong decision towards her by choosing a younger woman to live with. There is no doubt that she always stood behind Henry’s power, as she is reasonable, fair and loyal both to her husband and to the country she lives in.

Henry the Eighth, life, honour, name and all

That made me happy at one stroke has taken

For ever from the world.


Buckingham is a noble duke, one who can clearly see the injustice. His speech was about Henry not without reason. The king had no right to arrest the duke, as he was guiltless, but being blinded by Wolsey’s advice, Henry has no personal opinion. Buckingham is a penetrative person and can see the problem. Unfortunately, he has to surrender the king’s decision and to leave this world being unable to change the situation.

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