Henry VIII Characters

Henry VIII Character List

King Henry

Henry is described as a wise ruler, but is under the influence of the Cardinal. After visiting Wolsey’s feast, he makes a decision to separate from his wife, choosing Anne Bullen to be her successor.

Cardinal Wolsey

The king’s closest adviser, who has a lot of influence on this ruler's decisions. Being in such a beneficial position, he only wants to get more and more power.

Queen Katharine

She is one of the positive characters of the play. Described as a loyal wife to her husband, King Henry VIII, she cannot put up with his decision to enact a divorce. Under the weight of sorrow, she dies.

Anne Bullen

She is the king’s second wife. Anne is described as a kind-hearted and sincere person, one who has a lot of sympathy for the queen.

Duke of Buckingham

This character was among those who saw Wolsey’s hidden ambitions to become powerful. Although other lords tell him to keep his feelings quiet, he claims that Wolsey is disloyal. After that, he gets arrested and sentenced to death.

Lord Abergavenny

Buckingham’s son-in-law.


He is the archbishop of Canterbury. As the king’s friend, he has a lot of support and is even asked to be the godfather of Henry’s daughter.

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