Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera Book 1) Characters

Furies of Calderon (Codex Alera Book 1) Character List


Tavi is the protagonist of this text, a young boy from the Valley who is orphaned and raised by his uncle. He is furyless, meaning he cannot craft furies as other people can. As such Tavi feels like a bit of an outsider, but throughout this novel, he shows strength and courage.


Amara is a young woman who becomes the mentee of Fidelias. She is training to become a spy for Gaius Sextus and is a wildcrafter. When Tavi meets her, she is disguised as a slave.


Fade is a slave who Amara and Tavi run away with. Fad helps Tavi on his journey but is killed along the way.

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