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Ever After Irony

Ever After Irony

Slipper of Fur

In the opening scene we hear two writers explaining to the Queen that the "glass slipper" was actually made of fur and was changed to glass for the story to be more magical. Ironically the Queen has the glass slipper in her possession and reveals it to the men so that they know what it truly looks like.

Good Aim

Danielle knocks a thief off of his horse by striking blow after blow with a bundle of apples she has picked from the orchard. Ironically the man she has knocked down is not a thief, but Prince Henry. And her striking royalty is grounds for death.

The Dress

Danielle walks in on Rodmilla and Marguerite trying out her mother's dress from Danielle's chest. They tell her that they are airing it out for her to where. Ironically, they are actually planning to steal the dress for Marguerite to wear at the ball in order to become engaged to Prince Henry.

Whatever You Can Carry

In the midst of a struggle with the Gypsies who want to kill Prince Henry, Danielle demands a horse from them. The Gypsy leader says she can take anything she can carry. Ironically, she puts the Prince on her back and carries him off to the delight of the group of men around her. So much so that they give her a horse.


The Prince believes the Gypsies to be a poor class of people. Danielle explains to him that they are to the Prince only what he labels them as. Ironically, then, the Prince is only a prince because of the way he is labeled. Danielle is pointing out that it is not what we are labeled but who we truly are that must be looked at.

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