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Ever After Imagery

Ever After Imagery

Into the Story

After the Queen says, "Once upon a time.." we see the da Vinci painting dissolve into the sunrise where Danielle is a young girl. The imagery allows us to be quite literally taken into the story that the Queen is telling to the two writers.


Tennant shows a high over head shot of Danielle leaving the house in order to begin her work for the day. The composition of the frame has very little of the sky within it. This shows that Danielle is consumed by the work she must do on the land as she has been made a servant by her step mother.

Other Side of the Fence

During the Prince's tennis match, the ball goes out of bounds and so does he. He returns to the match and we see Marguerite has the ball. She is standing inside the fence which keeps the spectators off of the court. The image shows us that Marguerite is no longer a spectator but the main contender for the crown.

Into the World

After hearing the true story of Cinderella, the two writers leave the palace and enter their carriage drawn by two horses. Tennant shows an aerial shot of them leaving the royal home. The image tells us that the truth of the story will now be taken out into the world which believes that it is merely a fairytale.

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