

Esther endured five long years of loneliness. Her determination to prove herself and fulfill her desire left her more alone and disappointed than her initial hunger for companionship. In “Esther” by Jean Toomer, Esther’s morality and desires are...

11th Grade

Alexander Hamilton

Hamilton has proven to be a pivotal element in the American historical narrative. Both the musical’s content and artistic license speaks to the power of collective memory and our perceptions of the past. The alterations to historical narrative...



As depicted in Philip Roth's Nemesis, Eugene ‘Bucky’ Cantor is an extremely athletic boy who was admired by most people for his appearance and attitude. Especially the kids he was supervising as playground director during the summer holidays saw...



Visual Analysis of Hitchcock's "Rope"

Alfred Hitchcock claimed that Rope was merely a “stunt,” and it is more well-known for its achievement in its technical aspects compared to the film’s actual story. An adaptation from Patrick Hamilton’s play,...



Zoë Wicomb aptly writes in her essay titled, Setting, intertextuality and the resurrection of the postcolonial author: “… setting becomes absorbed into character” (Wicomb, 2006). This statement runs true for the two protagonists of her novel, ...