Didn't Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta Imagery

Didn't Nobody Give a Shit What Happened to Carlotta Imagery

Noreen, after the Parole Verdict

Noreen is not impressed with the verdict of the parole hearings. She throws a tantrum: “She turned red and leaped up to tell epithets She almost to the color they sued to dye them pistachio nuts.” Noreen is blocked from attacking the commission members by a chair. She engages in a violation and disrespect of the law when it leans on Carlotta's side. According to her, having her way is the only justice she knows. The COs stop her from going on with her violent attacks in time.

The World

Carlotta is mesmerized by the world beyond the prison walls. Hannaham elucidates, "passing through states and the Lincoln Tunnel, she rested her face against the window and smudged it with greasy makeup. So much green stuff out there. Trees. Grass. An brown too. Dirt. Dead dear. Dead raccoon. So much rocks. Big rocks." Being imprisoned had hindered Carlotta from enjoying various magnificent sights. Upon her release, her eyes enjoy beholding various things that they come across. Everything she beholds seems new and unique like it would to a newly-born child.


Carlotta wonders how her darling son, who she has not seen, will react upon seeing her. Hannaham expounds, “The torn snapshot she treasured, the only image she had of her son, taken on a visit just before his fifth birthday, had faded like one of those haircut pics in a barbershop window and completely blued out his face.” Carlotta is not sure how her son looks at this moment. She dreads his hatred. The picture of her son she has retained all these years has been sustaining memories of him in her mind.

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