Demian Characters

Demian Character List

Emil Sinclair

Emil Sinclair is the protagonist of the story. At first glance, he has everything a person may need to live happily. Emil is the son of a well-to-do father, his mother is a kind-hearted and compassionate woman, and even his sisters are nice to him. His parents’ religiousness often amazes him. They are a kind of people who never hesitate or ask questions; they live in “the world of light”. Unlike his parents, Emil Sinclair’s inner world is a whirlwind, which doesn’t let him live peacefully. When he meets Max Demian and starts asking questions, he “takes a path which leads to himself”.

Max Demian

Max Demian is a school friend of Emil Sinclair. He is an embodiment of “an angel and Satan, man and woman in one flesh, man and beast, the highest good and the worst evil”. His personality often excites curiosity of others and rumors always follow him. Demian’s inquisitive questions and eccentric ideas make Sinclair start asking questions himself.

Emil’s parents

Emil Sinclair’s parents are representatives of the “world of light”. They are different from their son, for they are not seekers of truth. They have the Bible and it is enough for them. The older Emil gets, the wider the gap between them becomes. No matter how much Emil tries to become a part of his family again, longing for the safety it provides, he can’t do so. He rebels against their lifestyle every time.

Franz Kromer

Franz Kromer is a childhood enemy of Emil Sinclair. Being a genuine bully, he threatens Emil to denounce to his father or maybe even to the police that Emil stole apples, which is not true. He makes Emil give him money and do various sorts of errands for him.

Alfons Beck

Alfons Beck is a school comrade of Emil and one of the oldest boys in our boardinghouse. With Beck’s help, Emil gets involved in an endless drinking binge. He introduces Emil to the world of shameless and meaningless entertainments.


Beatrice is a young woman Emil meets in a park. In spite of the fact that he has never even asked her name or tried to speak to her, her image helps him to end one period of his life and start other.


Pistorius is a musician, who plays organ in a small church. He becomes Sinclair’s guide to the enlightenment for a short period of time.

Dr. Pollens

Dr. Pollens is Sinclair’s teacher at the boarding school.


Knauer is a fellow student of Sinclair, who is also interested in seeking the truth.

Frau Eva

Frau Eva is a mother of Max Demian. She becomes Sinclair’s ideal of a person.

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