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Deep Wizardry Irony

Deep Wizardry Irony

The irony of whales as wizards

Nita and Kit are shocked to learn that Sreee, a humpback whale, is a wizard. What shocks them most is having to find out there are even more whale wizards in the sea. They thought that wizardry is only practiced by humans. Even in the normal world, wizardry is associated with humans and not animals, let alone sea creatures. They learn that their practice is a little bit different as they get their knowledge from the book of wizardry whereas the whales get theirs from the sea. Sreee explains to them how when they reach some level of wizardry approval, the sea communicates to them about the dangers that are lurking. They offer to merge their wizardry knowledge to help save the sea whales. They had never heard of creatures also practicing witchcraft and therefore were much intrigued to find out how they did it.

The irony of not retaliating against the bullies

Nita and Kit endured a lot of suffering from the bullies who beat them and took away their things. At one time they even took Nita’s pen, and she went through a lot of trouble trying to retrieve it back. Despite their ordeal with the bullies, they do not plot any revenge against them. It is only expected that the two possessing all that power and magic would have decided to harm the bullies in any way they wanted. However, they chose to let it go. In addition, the desire to retaliate whenever one is wronged is so overwhelming that one might wonder about the kind of kindness and restraint Nita and Kit have. Their refusal to fight back is extraordinary and rare.

The irony of the antagonist sacrificing himself

It is ironic that Ed, the master shark, offers himself as a sacrifice in the place of Nita. The whole ordeal of reenacting the song was to trap him as he had been terrorizing the lives of the whale wizards. During their tour with Sreee, Nita and Kit got to meet Ed and they became friends. This could have been one of the reasons that he decided to redeem himself by sacrificing his life. Being one of the creatures that were to be trapped to save the whales, it was not expected that he would give himself so easily.

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