Dear Edward Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Dear Edward Symbols, Allegory and Motifs


While at the airport, Eddie Adler holds his mother's hand. Holding hands makes Jane reflect, "So much could be solved…if we simply held hands with each other more often." Jane feels happiness and harmony after Eddie holds her hand for the first time in one year. Holding hands is a boundless gesture that can help people to bond and experience harmonious existence.


Hissing originates from the plane's vents. The hissing sound is unpleasant. Napolitano expounds, "The vents hiss louder. Partly because the sound comes from above, and partly because it is combined with blasts of icy air, the hiss makes people uncomfortable." The passengers distract themselves from the hissing in various ways. Some turn to their books. Others keep themselves engaged in reading magazines, whereas others strive to sleep. Such hissing is inevitable during flights.


The environment at the airport is distinct. It is full of things related to flying. Napolitano writes, “The soldier is startled; he’d been staring out the window at the mix of grays on the horizon. Planes, runaways, the distant jagged city, a highway, whizzing cars.” The airport and the surrounding city are utterly busy. Being on a plane brings out a unique horizon full of movements. The activities taking place at the airport are hectic.

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