Cosi Characters

Cosi Character List

Lewis Riley

Lewis is the main character and narrator in the book with a lot of problems. He has a rocky relationship with his girlfriend, Lucy, whom he loves a lot. He also doesn’t have a job, even though he graduated from college, which puts him short on money. He is seemingly depressed, not caring about what he works with and what happens in his life, as long as he earns something. His life is turned around when he gets a job as a director at a mental hospital. He has a strong character development thought the book as he completely changes his outlook on life after working with the mentally ill.


Lucy is Lewis Riley’s girlfriend and Nick’s best friend. Lewis and Riley have their fights, bickering about normal daily problems. These problems are elevated when Nick begins flirting with Lucy, under the disguise that he wants to “help their relationship”. The relationship she has with Nick develops into an affair. She strongly disagrees with Lewis working on a play about the importance of love and friendships, while the people are dying in the Vietnam War.


Nick believes that the most important thing to focus on in the days during the Vietnam War is the Vietnam war and the protests it. Lucy and Lewis initially have the same views, though Lewis changes through the book. Nick was supposed to help Lewis with his play, though eh doesn’t because he wants to spend more time with Lewis.

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