Conversations with Friends Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What factors cause chaos in Frances’ life?

    Relationships are the main cause of despair for Frances. She has never had a strong or stable relationship with anyone before, and this does not change when she meets Nick. Her father and her had a difficult relationship due to his alcoholism. Then when Bobbi broke up with her, it cast a hole in her heart. So when she engages in an affair with Nick, she knows it will be problematic but she is used to having chaotic relationships.

  2. 2

    How is love presented here?

    Love is presented in a typical and atypical way in this book. It is typically presented in the romantic love she shares with both Bobbi and Nick. It is shared more atypically in love for the arts – she is drawn to Nick’s mind in a way she never was with Bobbi despite loving her too.

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