The Christmas Box is a short novel written by New York Times bestselling author Richard Paul Evans. He did not originally intend it to become a book; it was merely a story he would tell his two younger daughters aloud, never committing it to...
The Letter is the third and final novel in Richard Paul Evans' "Christmas Box Trilogy". It is a love story that belongs specifically to MaryAnne and David Parkin, but the author's intention is to present the novel as the love story that could, and...
Michael Vey: Rise of the Elgen is a young adult science fiction novel written by Richard Paul Evans and published by Simon Pulse/Mercury Ink in September of 2013. It is the third installment in a seven-part series (Michael Vey) that revolves...
Michael Vey: Hunt for Jade Dragon is a young adult science fiction novel written by Richard Paul Evans and published by Simon Pulse/Mercury Ink in September of 2014. It is the fourth installment in a seven-part series (Michael Vey) that revolves...
Michael Vey: Rise of the Elgen is a young adult science fiction novel written by Richard Paul Evans and published by Simon Pulse/Mercury Ink in August of 2012. It is the second installment in a seven-part series (Michael Vey) that revolves around...
Michael Vey: Storm of Lightning is a young adult science fiction novel written by Richard Paul Evans and published by Simon Pulse/Mercury Ink in September of 2016. It is the fifth installment in a seven-part series (Michael Vey) that revolves...
Michael Vey: The Prisoner of Cell 25 is a young adult novel written by Richard Paul Evans, and was published by Simon Pulse in 2011. The novel follows action and science fiction themes, with elements of supernatural powers.
The Mistletoe Inn is the second book in a series of three Christmas-themed romance novels by bestselling author Richard Paul Evans. The books are not a trilogy but all share the word "Mistletoe" in the title. Evans explains that the books are a...
The Mistletoe Promise is a romantic novel written by Richard Paul Evans. It tells the story of cynical, unlucky-in-love Elise Dutton and devastatingly handsome but emotionally unavailable Nicholas Derr, two lonely, successful people who draw up a...
Timepiece is a novel written by Richard Paul Evans. It was published in 1995 and is a sequel to The Christmas Box. Evans has written many books, many for children, and all of the thirty-one include conservative Christian morals and themes and...