My Greatest Talent

What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

I was completely relaxed in the silence and darkness that surrounded me underwater. Holding my breath for minutes, I pushed past my limits, fighting the urge to emerge, knowing this was my only chance. When I eventually surfaced from the water, I couldn’t hear the crowd or notice the people taking pictures of me. Despite the lack of oxygen in my brain, I saw the screen announcing that I was in third place and noticed the crowd, my father, instructor, and friends celebrating. I realized that my work and dedication had finally paid off.

From a young age, I was passionate about all kinds of diving, but I gravitated towards freediving because it challenges you constantly in spite of its simplicity. Despite not being old enough to take a freediving course, I studied on my own, learning the science behind freediving and how to develop my skills efficiently. By the time I was old enough to take the course, I could already hold my breath for three minutes. Determined to improve, I continued challenging myself with new goals after the course.

Later, my instructor encouraged me to train for an international freediving competition. Because of my love of the sport and fiercely competitive nature, I immediately started preparing. Every day,...

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