Lived Experience Essay

We seek a diverse student body that embodies the wide range of human experience. In that context, we are interested in what you’d like to share about your lived experiences and how they’ve influenced how you think of yourself. (250 words)

“All Level 5s, gather in the middle of the parade square!”

As the oldest members assembled, I noticed how compact of a circle we formed. There remained no more than 11 of the 120 rowdy 12-year-olds that had packed four classrooms so long ago. Yet, I wasn’t surprised so few of our original class stuck it out. For me, being part of the squadron doesn’t just mean showing up for a couple of hours on Thursdays, but also painstakingly polishing uniform boots to a mirror shine or practicing rifle drill movements until my arms are about to fall off.

As I rose in rank, I began teaching my juniors lessons on everything from American military history to fitness. The myriad of teaching methods I attempted in quest for the attention of a class of 12-year-olds gave me new, creative ways in which I could express my ideas in my life.

In addition, many activities would enter me into unexpected partnerships with other senior cadets to lead a flight or organize a community parade. These experiences taught me to understand people’s needs and strengths when collaborating to solve problems.

To be sure, I still empathize when I see Level 1s who are a bit skeptical about wearing goofy uniforms and caps as pretend soldiers. Like them, adapting to my...

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