Anathem Themes

Anathem Themes

Political Discord

Among both the inhabitants of Arbre and the Geometers political discord prevails. The locals cannot agree whether they will receive the aliens with peace or hostility. These contradictory responses are probably a result of the disunity of the local society. Since Arbre is divided into two entirely separate social classes - the avout and the Sæcular Power, - they hail from to radically different world views. The avout are devoted to science, logic, and intellect, but their controlling powers believe in military strength and showmanship. For the Geometers, their discord is more due to racial differences. Their people belong to four different factions - the militaristic Urnud and Tro, the peaceful Fthos, and the mixed Latterans. Based upon their faction, they support or oppose military action upon the planet Arbre.

Scientific Discovery

Orolo is disgraced when he is found to possess a forbidden video recorder at the concent, but his motives are pure. He is a scientist. He has devoted his life to discovering the truths of the universe, so he refuses to allow the government's petty regulations to interfere with his studies. Due to his continued defiance even after banishment, he helps his kinsmen learn more about the aliens in order to decide how to respond to their impending invasion. After the conflict has ended, Orolo's brave actions are commended. Though he is not alive to appreciate the honor, his old concent is rebuilt and renamed after him.


The military on Arbre is the dominant force thanks to the Sæcular Powers subversion of the avout. If the Powers had their way, they would've immediately attacked the alien ship, but the avout took a more cautious approach. Thanks to the avout, the military was stopped because they received important information about their presumed enemies due to the sacrificial work of men like Orolo. For the part, the Geometers have their own militaristic factions - the Urnud and the Tro. Both species prefer to fight before they have all the data. Their hotheaded desire to conquer costs many lives in the end, but the men of science and conservation preserve many more.


Raz is the student of Orolo. At the more skilled and wise man's hand, Raz learns the ways of the universe. He learns how to think introspectively and logically, skills which benefit him in every aspect of life. After Orolo is sentenced to Anathem, Raz continues to respect his teacher. Since his mentor had broken the rules, Raz believes he must do so also in order to help his planet. This bond between the two men, based upon a mutual commitment to truth and scientific reasoning, is what leads to the major discoveries which prevent all-out war between the Geometers and the inhabitants of Arbre.

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