What is more important
In the early parts of the essay, the narrator claims that nothing is more important than the human experience. Ironically, however, this does not seem to apply when it comes to miracles of religious nature. According to the narrator, in that particular instance, a person should disregard his or her own experience and rather depend on the experience of others.
Everyone should get an education but they should not go to collage
The narrator argues that every person should aim to gain an education and learn more about the world around them. Because of this, it is thus ironic that the narrator advises his readers not to go to college or to engage in any form of formal education.
The narrator discusses the idea of innocence and presents it both from the perspective of a woman and of a man. The narrator is more forgiving when it comes to the idea of men being unfaithful to their wives. Ironically, however, while the narrator claims that it is ok for men to be unfaithful but the same behavior is not acceptable for women.
They are different
All throughout the essay, the narrator tries to point out the difference between two similar terms. What is ironic to see is that almost every time, the narrator reaches the conclusion that those two terms are not different and that they are, in fact, the same.
The origin of ideas
The narrator talks about the origin of ideas in the third part of the essay. The narrator argues in that part of the essay that ideas are so complex that they must be created by someone or something. What is ironic however is the fact that previously, the narrator argues that there doe not exist a higher being or power which is the source of everything.