Outlander Irony

Outlander Irony

Hugh Munro

Instead of being offered real, tangible help for his problems, Hugh Munro was given badges by church parishes (even though they claimed to be willing to help people in their time of need).


In the 20th century, Claire was not able to have a child with Frank, despite that period having advanced medical technology. Claire, however, was able to have a child in the 18th century despite that period's less-advanced medical technology.


The highlanders of Scotland in 1743 think that Claire is ignorant of Gaelic culture and call her an "outlander." Readers, unlike the character in the novel, know that Claire is from the future and understandably doesn't know much about Gaelic culture.


A number of people that meet Claire think that she is a spy for the English. Readers, however, know that Claire is not and could not possibly be a spy.


Homosexuality was illegal and otherwise frowned upon in the 18th century. Still, Randall brazenly and rather openly sexually assaulted James, whom he was sexually attracted to.

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