Outlander Background

Outlander Background

"Outlander" is a historical fiction novel with the element of time travel fantasy by the American author Diana Gabaldon. The first novel was published in 1991 with enormous success, and is a part of a ten-novel series.

The first novel introduces the main protagonist, Claire, a nurse during the Second World War. She visits Scotland with her husband Frank, and while picking plants near a standing stones monument, she is transferred to the 18th century. In the 18th century Scotland, Claire meets Jamie Fraser and the members of the Clan Mackenzie. Facing many trials and establishing the respect of the clan with her healing abilities, Claire faces a decision either to leave Jamie, whom she grew fond of, or return to Frank, her husband in the present.

The novel explores not only themes of love and dedication, but of political intricacies and cruelty. The author was initially meant the novel to be a solely historical fiction, but later added the time-travel fantasy for the added complexity of Claire. Most prominent evidence of the novel’s success is the TV series with the same name, which started airing in 2014 and was an instant hit, which is further confirmed with the most recent season coming out in 2022.

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