Yvain, the Knight of the Lion Themes

Yvain, the Knight of the Lion Themes

Courtly Behavior and Structure

One of the main themes of the text is the way Court works in the times of King Arthur. It seems to be fairly democratic in that Knights were permitted to decide to take on an adventure or a quest for themselves. There was also great store set by honor and being beaten (unseated) in a duel is deeply embarrassing as proved by the gap of seven years before the story is retold. Avenging honor is important. The theme also illuminates the role of women in the Court; women were powerful and surprisingly their agreement was sought before an adventure or an absence was embarked upon. Humiliating the Lasy of the court was also seen as a serious offense hence Lunete's punishment after Yvain fails to return on time and as she was the one who vouched for him she is seen to have brought dishonor to the court.

Magic and Folklore

Given that historians have long since argued the existence of King Arthur (legend or real life king - nobody can agree) it is no surprise that one of the themes os magic and folklore. The story mixes humans with folkloric figures, such as giants, and there is an assumption that both are given equal validity. The characters also have magical abilities; the noblewoman is able to cure Yvain's mental malaise with a potion and Lunete is able to protect him with invisibility thanks to a set of magic rings. Similarly the ring set that Yvain is given by his wife is said to have magical powers as long as his sweetheart is uppermost in his mind. The blend of folklore and history is one of the main themes.


This was a brutal era. Duels almost always led to death and there were constant threats from marauders and invaders. There was also extreme punishment for seemingly not very bad offenses; Lunete is tied to a stake in preparation for being burned alive.


Honor is not only a theme of the writing but a theme of life in general during King Arthur's time. Yvain decides to embark upon his quest in order to avenge his cousin's honor. He also brings dishonor onto Laudine because he fails to return when he promises. This is an insult to her honor. Because Lunete vouched for him she is seen to have dishonored her Lady as well and is therefore punished. It is only when he returns that Laudine's honor is restored and Lunete gets a reprieve. Honor in this time in history is everything.

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