Winter Counts is a crime thriller novel written by David Heska Wanbli Weiden and was published in 2020 by Ecco—an imprint of HarperCollins. It is Weiden’s debut novel and managed to make it on the year’s top lists including the New York Times Editors’ Choice. It is set on a Native American Reservation in South Dakota weaving in themes of identity, injustice, and the drug problem.
The story follows a local enforcer, Virgil Wounded Horse, through his not-so-great reality as he performs his duties for the community. With a failed justice system—by both the federal government and the tribal council—it is up to him and his expertise to solve the felonies in the reservation. As a vigilante, Virgil has created enmity among some folks and but also gained adoration from the council and the tribespeople. However, his Half-Lakota identity still prevents him from enjoying full privileges and acceptance in the reservation. Virgil has lost a lot including his parents and sister, leaving him with the responsibility of caring for his nephew. More tough obligations crop up after the teenage nephew becomes involved with the drug trade.
The novel delves into the social problems that affect the Native people due to the history of negligence, discrimination, and hidden agendas. For instance, highlights the felony crimes that cannot be prosecuted by the council and on the other hand overlooked by the government. Carol Memmott of The Washington Post said, “The betrayal of Native Americans and the issue of native identity are the backbone of this passionately told tale that hits the sweet spot between crime fiction and social novel…History, betrayal and heartbreak are out front in this novel…” The novel earned several accolades, winning the best debut novel in the Anthony, Thriller, Barry, Lefty, Macavity, Spur, and Tillie Olsen Awards.