Breast Cancer
Breast cancer symbolizes the unfortunate end of Terry's mother. Terry's mother died at the age of 54 after suffering from breast cancer for many years. However, Terry's mother had a good plan because she recollected several journals on her shelf that explored womanhood. When the mother dies, Terry takes up the role of completing the good work her mother started, and she emerges as one of the best authors in the world.
The journals
The author emblematically uses the journals to represent the mother's private thoughts. Terry finds three shelves filled with cloth-bound journals. Ironically, all the journal books were empty inside, but they provided a guideline for writing. Terry followed the guidelines and at last realized that she was putting down her mother's private thoughts into perspective.
The Pencil
The pencil is figuratively used to represent flexibility and reality without deception. Terry realizes that the best way to write the journals is by using the pencil, which can easily be erased to be improved. Terry realizes that ink is an illusion of permanence shame. According to Terry, a woman can improve her life by erasing the negative historical perceptions about the female gender.
The symbolism of self-sufficiency
The narrator's mother's childhood memories emblem the value of self-sufficiency. Terry realizes that her mother was patient, determined, confident, and visionary as a young child. Consequently, Terry is motivated to reenergize her efforts in becoming a better and successful woman just like her mother envisioned.