1 Who is the author of We Were Liars? Tipper Harris E. Lockhart Louis Sachar Cadence Eastman 2 In what country is We Were Liars set? Britain Canada U.S.A. France 3 Who narrates We Were Liars? E. Lockhart Penny Tipper Cadence 4 In what year was We Were Liars published? 1997 2001 2022 2014 5 What form does We Were Liars take? Novel Play TV Series Comic 6 What is Cadence's grandparents' last name? Sinclair Clairmont Eastman Vermont 7 What state does Cadence live in? Washington New York New Jersey Vermont 8 Who is the book's protagonist? Penny Gat Cadence Harris 9 What state is Cadence's family island a part of? Maryland Rhode Island Massachusetts New York 10 What is the name of Cadence's family's island? It has no name Humboldt Beechwood Martha's Vineyard 11 How many parts is We Were Liars divided into? There are no separate parts Three Five Two 12 What is the name of Cadence's grandfather? Harris Ed Gatwick Tipper 13 What is the name of Cadence's grandmother? Harris Gatwick Tipper Bess 14 What is Cadence's mother's name? Joan Penny Carrie Tipper 15 What is the name of Cadence's love interest? Johnny Harris Gat Ed 16 What is Gat's relation to Cadence? He is her stepbrother He is her uncle He is not related He is her cousin 17 What is Gat's relation to Ed? He is Ed's nephew He is Ed's brother He is Ed's son He is Ed's stepson 18 What is Ed's relation to Cadence? He is her aunt's partner He is her mother's ex-husband He is her aunt's husband He is her cousin 19 What about Ed and Gat makes them stand out among the Sinclair family? They are very rich They are Republican voters They are Canadian They are of Indian descent 20 What political party does Cadence's grandfather support? Democrats Republicans Greens No party, he is a libertarian 21 What season does Cadence spend at her family island? Fall Summer Winter Spring 22 What is the name of Harris's building on Beechwood? Cuddledown Clairmont Windemere Cuddlemore 23 What is the name of Penny's building on Beechwood? Cuddlemore Clairmont Windemere None of these 24 Who are Cadence's mother's siblings? Carrie and Mirren Bess and Carrie Tipper and Penny Penny and Carrie 25 Which cousins are Cadence's age? Liberty and Mirren Johnny and Mirren Johnny and Liberty Tipper and Harris