The Wild Geese Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of Western influence on the characters in the novel The Wild Geese?

    Ogai Mori comments on the Westernization of Japan, in the context of Tokyo in the 1880s. It is influential for the novel as it allows for the relationship between Otama and Okada to blossom, due to more relaxed and changing societal rules that would have previously prohibited them from being together. Ultimately, the novel is a commentary on the impact that the Western world has had on Japan and how it affects the lives of everyday people and their relationships with one another.

  2. 2

    How does Mori depict the role of women in Japan at the time?

    Ogai Mori paints a very different portrait of the Japanese women than in previous literary works of his time. He instead acknowledges the changing social norms and reflects on the freedom given to women at the time. He also delves into the emerging sexual revolution in Tokyo, and the sexual liberties that women are granted in their relationships as well as their exploration of happiness.

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