Cora Jenkins - “Cora Unashamed”
Cora Jenkins is the Studevants’ unfaltering maid whose tie with their daughter (Jessie) is distinctive.
Studevants - “Cora Unashamed”
They are Cora’s white bosses “who treated her like a dog. She stood it. Had to stand it; or work for poorer white folks who would treat her worse; or go jobless.” The Sturdevants deem Cora a fragment of their possessions based on how they degrade and overstrain her.
Jessie - "Cora Unashamed"
Jessie is the Studevants’ daughter who is an age mate of Cora’s defunct daughter (Josephine).Cora adulates Jessie exceptionally and unconditionally.
Jack - “Passing”
Jack composes the letter “Passing” to validate the motive that vitalized him to snub his mother ‘last night.’ He was with his white sweetheart whom he does not want to detect that his mother is black.
Jack’s Mother - “Passing”
She is the solitary addressee in “Passing.” She does not persist in grasping her son’s responsiveness when they unpredictably bump into each other.