The Wanderer Characters

The Wanderer Character List


Sophie is a teen who loves the sea, but that doesn't mean she isn't scared to cross the Atlantic. Nevertheless, she and her family take a trip to England by boat. She endures storms and nightmarish moments on the ship, and her dreams are full of fear. Although her family often doesn't believe her point of view, they do in the end, because when they get to Sophie's grandfather, Bompie, he confirms Sophie's point of view.


Brian is part of Sophie's family, but she was adopted into the family. They are traveling to see if her stories about her life before them is true, and Bompie will tell them. Brian is Sophie's cousin, and he works with her on the boat. They often work out their gender differences through work, because they each approach issues from their own point of view.


Cody is also cousins with Sophie, which means he is cousins with Brian too. These three have to constantly work out their problems together, even though the situations are often extremely terrifying. Through Cody's character, we learn that Brian and Cody trust each other more easily than they trust Sophie.


This is Sophie's grandfather whom they are traveling to visit in England. Sophie has a dream about the past, and Bompie is part of how she intends to sort it out. He will tell her the truth about her memories, because he will know enough to tell which stories are real and which are not. In the end, he says there is only one story that he thinks she made up, but the rest are true. Sophie's adoptive family stands corrected.

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